Virtual Tour

Yoga Challenge

This challenge welcomes and is designed for ALL LEVELS (beginners, intermediate and advanced)

Surya Namaskar 21 days Sadhana

Surya Namaskar 21 days Sadhana

Come practice with Yogicalpa 108 Sun-salutations every day in the month of June

Thursday 01 Jun 2023

Location: Eco Yoga Sanctuary

Structure of the class:

Every day the students will practice with Yogicalpa 108 Surya Namaskar designed to warm, strengthen, and align the entire body with breath & awareness. 

It will be a complete sadhana- spiritual practice, including Asana, Pranayama, mantra, and meditation techniques.

Dates 1st June until 21st June.

7:30 PM - 8 45 PM. (Mon- Fri)

  • Monday: Classic Hatha Surya Namaskar.
  • Tuesday: Surya Namaskar A.
  • Wednesday: Prana Vashya Surya Namaskar (Vinayasa).
  • Thursday: Surya Namaskar B.
  • Friday: Hatha Surya Namaskar with Mantras.


9 AM -10:15 AM (Sat & Sun)

  • Saturday: Hatha Surya Namaskar with Beej Mantras.
  • Sunday: Surya Namaskar Meditative Practice.


Energy Exchange:  

AED 2000 (VAT included)


Terms & conditions:

  • Open to all levels (ladies only).
  • Minimum 8 participants.
  • No refunds will be actioned for any withdrawal from the program.


The regular practice of Surya Namaskar will

                •              Help to Maintain homeostasis, hormonal balance, and emotional stability.

                •              Improve stamina and body endurance.

                •              Improve blood circulation within the body and better immune system

                •              Improve digestion and promote weight loss

                •              Balance all your doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

                •              Activate all your energy centers - the 7 chakras & pranic energy

                •              Improve spine health

                •              Help in leading a disease-free life

                •              You will be more patient and disciplined

                •              Help one being more clarity, focus, grounding and centered.

                •              Promote better strength, flexibility, vigor, and self-confidence.


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