Virtual Tour


Healing with the Divine Masculine is a powerful journey designed to bring back balance within yourself and in your relationships.
The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine principles live within each one of us. When we embody the perfect symbiosis of both, we experience the power of Divine Love, harmony and realization of who we truly are. And we cultivate beautiful relationships with men.
We cover: 
- understanding your shadows with the Masculine
- healing your relationships with your father
- releasing past hurt and ex-lovers and with clarity, gratitude and grace to upgrade your love frequency
- restoring your Inner Feminine-Masculine Balance
About the Feminine Magic sessions:
Silfath Sophia uses a powerful and holistic fusion of transmissions, feminine embodiment practices, sound medicine, tantric healing, soul remembrance, breathwork, shamanic journeying… for you to unveil and embody your Feminine Magic.


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