Virtual Tour

Understanding Chakras

Journey of a Healer

Why should you understand chakras and keep them open and flowing?

We are energy, everything we interact within this Universe is also energy. Our energy inevitably affects the energy in everything around us as we interact with it. And hence it becomes our great responsibility to hold our energies as pure as we can so that those who are touched by us, live their purity too. Being in alignment with our true energy form at all times lights up the route to spiritual awakening.


1. Introduction to Energy 
2. Aura 
3. Introduction to Chakras
4. Chakras – Planes of existence
5. Shushmna, Ida & Pingala effects on Chakras  
6. The 7 major chakras 
[Name, Color, Developmental stage, Location, Element, Plane, Planet, Gland, Significance, When Blocked, When open, When over active, Symptom, Body Parts affected, Physical Imbalance, Emotional Issues, Affirmations, Mantra, Petals of the lotus, Mudra, Yoga Position, Exercises, Pendulum Movements]  
7. Movement of Crystal Pendulum & interpretation – Chakra Diagnosis
8. Chakra Diagnostic Chart 

Duration: 4 hours 
Investment inclusive of manual and crystal pendulum : 999AED 

Become a chakra healer for self and others

For reservation please call us on: 04 385 6633 . 056 771 1336 . 056 781 1996 or email us on:


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