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Wake Up Like a Pro

Wake Up Like a Pro

 When the sun rises up so does we. Ever since I started practicing yoga, thanks God I’ve found a job in a yoga studio, I have been practicing waking up in the morning like a pro yogi. 

To protect your back and at the same time wake up without leaving your senses behind, here’s a good few tricks I can like to share with you. 

The moment you caught your thoughts in the morning, the moment you realize you are awake do one thing: think of what you like to happen for this day. What do you want to achieve. Learn a new dish? Finish reading the book? Not to miss the 30 minutes’ walk in the beach? Start your day with thoughts to do at least 1. Just do it. 

Don’t hesitate. Things always work out according to our plans or sometimes on a better way. 

 After setting your thoughts, lay on your back. Feel the comfort of your bed and the warmth of your blanket. Crouch your legs and give the first hug of the day to your legs, chin on your knee. Whisper a small gratitude for its your legs who always brings you to places you’ve never you’ll stood. And be ready for more places your legs will bring you today. 

Release the legs but keep it bended to drop them both on your right side while looking at your left side, arms wide open. Back to the center and do it on the other side. Breathe. It helps soothe the stretch up to your maximum. Next is to sit, so choose a side which you prefer, and push your body up by your arms and palms. This is the proper way to pull your body up. When you have chosen your preferred side, put your palms flat on your front. And when you are ready push your body up for a child pose. 

Child pose makes you feel your back and that tingling feel from your neck down to your bones just right above your bum. Inhale into a plank pose. Keep it for 60 counts, this is for you to wake the other parts of your body: core, arms, legs and your muscles all throughout. And back again to child pose. After a few counts do again, but it’s optional. End with an ample of prayer and an adequate glass of water. 

 Trivial things that we always do in our daily lives must be done in a right way. It’s the trivial things that makes us happy. It’s our life long mission to be happy in everything we do. Not all person finds their happiness. 

Be it you or not, start your day right. This is the right path to happy and contended life we ought to have.