Virtual Tour


Workshop is the opportunity to take a look at issues that affects us in many ways.  This is the perfect time to address our concerns and to acquire more knowledge about yoga and others. They are arranged differently than the classes, since workshop is the time to ask questions and a chance to take your practice into the next level. 

Interest to join any of our active workshops? Give us a call now!



Kundalini Yoga for Women – Radiance, Beauty and Grace
Kundalini Yoga for Women – Radiance, Beauty and Grace
When: November 03, 2017
Day: Friday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Shama Kaur
Timing: 12:00pm - 06:00pm
Fees: 900 AED
Early Bird: 750 AED

Ladies only.

When you have radiance, beauty & grace, nothing can defeat you. There is no need for trauma and drama. Your attraction will be so strong that everything will come to you! ~ 

Do you remember how you looked at your Mother when you were first born? How your eyes of innocence glistened at her perfection?
How you did not relate to her physical form but rather the light and radiance that surrounded and emanated from her being?

In today’s world the media and fashion industry have set a standard for women: to be skinny, sexy, manicured, shaved and clipped.  

As a result many women spend their entire lives trying to fit this image basing their own self worth on these untrue standards. 

Now imagine how liberating it is to value your being and define it by your inner light, radiance and grace. 

In this workshop, Shama Kaur, Kundalini Yoga Trainer as taught by Yogi Bhajan, leads you on a journey of self-discovery and healing that will allow you to:

• Recognize that beauty comes from within. 
• Reclaim your innocence- your greatest treasure. 
• Never let yourself down or anyone else. 
• Reconnect with the purity of your soul 

Expect to practice a series of kriyas and meditations that will strengthen your mental, spiritual, auric, subtle, pranic and radiant bodies, that will leave you with a brilliant light field - that is your radiance. 

Date: November 3rd & 4th
Time: 12 – 6 PM 


Early Bird: 750 AED
Late Payment:: 900 AED
Student Discount: 500 AED

Note: Early Bird price is until 20th October 2017.

About the Teacher:

Shama Kaur is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer. She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan since 2012. She has a passion for stirring up the consciousness of individuals through compassionate conversations. She has taught numerous workshops and led retreats mainly in Egypt where she founded YallaYoga, a social enterprise with a mission to inspire conscious living. 

For more information: Call us on: 04 3856633 - 056 7711 1336 or email us on: 

Pay online: www.ecoyogasanctuary/workshop

Ladies only.

When you have radiance, beauty & grace, nothing can defeat you. There is no need for trauma and drama. Your attraction will be so strong that everything will come to you! ~ 

Do you remember how you looked at your Mother when you were first born? How your eyes of innocence glistened at her perfection?
How you did not relate to her physical form but rather the light and radiance that surrounded and emanated from her being?

In today’s world the media and fashion industry have set a standard for women: to be skinny, sexy, manicured, shaved and clipped.  

As a result many women spend their entire lives trying to fit this image basing their own self worth on these untrue standards. 

Now imagine how liberating it is to value your being and define it by your inner light, radiance and grace. 

In this workshop, Shama Kaur, Kundalini Yoga Trainer as taught by Yogi Bhajan, leads you on a journey of self-discovery and healing that will allow you to:

• Recognize that beauty comes from within. 
• Reclaim your innocence- your greatest treasure. 
• Never let yourself down or anyone else. 
• Reconnect with the purity of your soul 

Expect to practice a series of kriyas and meditations that will strengthen your mental, spiritual, auric, subtle, pranic and radiant bodies, that will leave you with a brilliant light field - that is your radiance. 

Date: November 3rd & 4th
Time: 12 – 6 PM 


Early Bird: 750 AED
Late Payment:: 900 AED
Student Discount: 500 AED

Note: Early Bird price is until 20th October 2017.

About the Teacher:

Shama Kaur is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer. She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan since 2012. She has a passion for stirring up the consciousness of individuals through compassionate conversations. She has taught numerous workshops and led retreats mainly in Egypt where she founded YallaYoga, a social enterprise with a mission to inspire conscious living. 

For more information: Call us on: 04 3856633 - 056 7711 1336 or email us on: 

Pay online: www.ecoyogasanctuary/workshop

الممارس المعتمد في تحليل الشخصية
When: November 05, 2017
Day: Sunday
Venue: دبي – فندق جلوريا
Instructor: الخبيرة الدولية خديجة لخضاري - الجزائر
Timing: 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Regular Fee: 4300 AED

بالتعاون مع مركز قرطبة للاستشارات والتدريب

الخبيرة الدولية خديجة لخضاري - الجزائر

بالرغم من صعوبة معرفة خبايا النفس البشرية والطريقة التي يفكر بها الاخرين الا انه بامكاننا فهم ذلك من 
خلال لغة الجسد والايماءات، حيث يشكل هذا الجانب نسبة وقدرها 55% من اسلوب التواصل مع الاخرين!
ندعوك للمشاركة في دورة تحليل الشخصية للتعرف على شخصيتك وشخصية من امامك عن طريق ملامح
 الوجه وايماءات  الجسد واكتشف من انت؟

 تعرف على مفاتيح الشخصيات واكتشاف نقاط قوتك وتصحيح نقاط ضعفك.
 عزز من ثقتك بنفسك من خلال فهمك العميق بلغة الجسد وتوظيف ما تعلمته في التعامل مع من حولك. 
 تعلم ادوات ومهارات استخدام لغة الجسد وكيفية التحكم بها.
 تعرف على كيفية خلق فرص حقيقية لك للنجاح.
 تعلم كيف تحب شخصيتك وتفتخر بقدراتك.
 تعلم كيف تطور من علاقاتك الاجتماعية وتجعلك أكثر تفهما وشعورا بالراحة النفسية مع محيطك.
 اكتسب مهارات تحليل الهيئة: المشي، القامة، الصوت، الامزجة، الشعر.
 تعلم دراسة الوجه ومزاياه والايماءات: التغييرات الفيسيولوجية، الراس وخواص الدماغ وتقسيم الوجه.
 سيتم التدريب على التطبيقات العملية للتحليل بنسبة لا تقل عن 80%.

سعر خاص لكل من يسجل عن طريق مركز ايكو يوغا سانكتشواري.
يحصل المشاركين في نهاية البرنامج على شهادة ممارس معتمد في تحليل الشخصية.


5 – 9 نوفمبر 2017

5 – 9 مساءً

دبي – فندق جلوريا

بالتعاون مع مركز قرطبة للاستشارات والتدريب

الخبيرة الدولية خديجة لخضاري - الجزائر

بالرغم من صعوبة معرفة خبايا النفس البشرية والطريقة التي يفكر بها الاخرين الا انه بامكاننا فهم ذلك من 
خلال لغة الجسد والايماءات، حيث يشكل هذا الجانب نسبة وقدرها 55% من اسلوب التواصل مع الاخرين!
ندعوك للمشاركة في دورة تحليل الشخصية للتعرف على شخصيتك وشخصية من امامك عن طريق ملامح
 الوجه وايماءات  الجسد واكتشف من انت؟

 تعرف على مفاتيح الشخصيات واكتشاف نقاط قوتك وتصحيح نقاط ضعفك.
 عزز من ثقتك بنفسك من خلال فهمك العميق بلغة الجسد وتوظيف ما تعلمته في التعامل مع من حولك. 
 تعلم ادوات ومهارات استخدام لغة الجسد وكيفية التحكم بها.
 تعرف على كيفية خلق فرص حقيقية لك للنجاح.
 تعلم كيف تحب شخصيتك وتفتخر بقدراتك.
 تعلم كيف تطور من علاقاتك الاجتماعية وتجعلك أكثر تفهما وشعورا بالراحة النفسية مع محيطك.
 اكتسب مهارات تحليل الهيئة: المشي، القامة، الصوت، الامزجة، الشعر.
 تعلم دراسة الوجه ومزاياه والايماءات: التغييرات الفيسيولوجية، الراس وخواص الدماغ وتقسيم الوجه.
 سيتم التدريب على التطبيقات العملية للتحليل بنسبة لا تقل عن 80%.

سعر خاص لكل من يسجل عن طريق مركز ايكو يوغا سانكتشواري.
يحصل المشاركين في نهاية البرنامج على شهادة ممارس معتمد في تحليل الشخصية.


5 – 9 نوفمبر 2017

5 – 9 مساءً

دبي – فندق جلوريا

الممارس المعتمد في تحليل الشخصية
Aura and chakra Photography Workshop
Aura and chakra Photography Workshop
When: November 17, 2017
Day: Friday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Sarah Abdelal
Timing: 10:00am - 02:00pm
Fees: 350 AED

Do you know which one of your Chakras are active and which ones are blocked?
Do you know what energy you vibrate to the outer world?
Have you ever seen your own Aura ?
Do you know what blocks each Chakra?
Do you know how to protect your own aura?
Do you know how to see auras?
Do you know how to see your own energy field ?

During this exciting workshop you will learn and explore the followings :

  • Explanation of the chakras and the meaning of our aura.

  • How to feel and see someone's aura easily.

  • How the strength of a certain chakra affects the aura. Meaning of dominant colors in an aura.

  • Meaning of missing colors in an aura.

  • Explanation how to create a protective aura.

  • Photo shooting of the aura of each participant.

  • Analyzing photoes of  3 participants only pointing out areas of strengths and areas of improvements.

  • Analyzing three chakras visible in the photography

  • Providing special Affirmations for each chakra

  • Worksheet exercises for blocked chakras

  • Guided meditation for chakra healing, aura cleansing and creating a protective shield.

Every participant will receive their individual aura photograph and details by email.

Participants are requested to wear white shirts/ tops during the workshop so that the aura can be clear in the aura photography.

Do you know which one of your Chakras are active and which ones are blocked?
Do you know what energy you vibrate to the outer world?
Have you ever seen your own Aura ?
Do you know what blocks each Chakra?
Do you know how to protect your own aura?
Do you know how to see auras?
Do you know how to see your own energy field ?

During this exciting workshop you will learn and explore the followings :

  • Explanation of the chakras and the meaning of our aura.

  • How to feel and see someone's aura easily.

  • How the strength of a certain chakra affects the aura. Meaning of dominant colors in an aura.

  • Meaning of missing colors in an aura.

  • Explanation how to create a protective aura.

  • Photo shooting of the aura of each participant.

  • Analyzing photoes of  3 participants only pointing out areas of strengths and areas of improvements.

  • Analyzing three chakras visible in the photography

  • Providing special Affirmations for each chakra

  • Worksheet exercises for blocked chakras

  • Guided meditation for chakra healing, aura cleansing and creating a protective shield.

Every participant will receive their individual aura photograph and details by email.

Participants are requested to wear white shirts/ tops during the workshop so that the aura can be clear in the aura photography.

Integrated Yin Yoga - Stillness, Mudra and Yoga Nidra
When: November 19, 2017
Day: Sunday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Jade Wood
Timing: 10:00am - 12:30pm
Regular Fee: 180 AED
Early Bird: 140 AED

For Ladies Only!

This class weaves the peaceful practice of Yin Yoga with powerful Mudras to circulate and enhance the energy moving through your Meridians and then closes with body awareness Yoga Nidra. This is a transformative journey through your subtle energetic field with deep postures experienced for minutes at a time, accented with peaceful positioning of the hands. The practice is guided with gentle transition movements and breathing practices to ground your experience. Yin in a way is like whole body mudra, the energy of the hands is so closely linked to the energy of the body and mind and through cultivating presence in the hands we can help enhance the rest of our practice. To close and allow for full integration there will be a practice of mini Yoga Nidra, inhabiting the presence of your true self and a state of restful bliss. 

Teacher's Bioagraphy:

Jade specialises in teaching Yin Yoga and body-honouring movement and offers touch-sensitive healing. She offers these practices to help people rediscover their mind-body connections and reclaim a sense of spaciousness. She studied with the School of Sacred Arts, Paul Grilley and Franklyn Sills and continually evolves her practice incorporating chi kung, somatic movement, Feldenkrais and Craniosacral therapy. She teaches 
Yin Yoga trainings globally. Jade teaches embodiment practices to improve awareness and vitality and to broaden the spectrum of traditional Yoga asana. She has a quirky and kind inquiry-based approach to teaching that is focused on liberation through awareness. Her style is influenced greatly by her passion for all things movement, Traditional Chinese Medicine, her in-depth study of anatomy and healing through touch and resonance. She fluidly incorporates classical and modern theories into her classes with an approach that is accessible to all. Jade’s teaching is poetic and gentle with a resonance rooted in reclaiming our innate wisdom.

For more information Please call us on: 04385 6633 - 056 771136 or visit our website:.

Early Bird: 140 Dirhams
Regular Price: 180 Dirhams

Book Now!

For Ladies Only!

This class weaves the peaceful practice of Yin Yoga with powerful Mudras to circulate and enhance the energy moving through your Meridians and then closes with body awareness Yoga Nidra. This is a transformative journey through your subtle energetic field with deep postures experienced for minutes at a time, accented with peaceful positioning of the hands. The practice is guided with gentle transition movements and breathing practices to ground your experience. Yin in a way is like whole body mudra, the energy of the hands is so closely linked to the energy of the body and mind and through cultivating presence in the hands we can help enhance the rest of our practice. To close and allow for full integration there will be a practice of mini Yoga Nidra, inhabiting the presence of your true self and a state of restful bliss. 

Teacher's Bioagraphy:

Jade specialises in teaching Yin Yoga and body-honouring movement and offers touch-sensitive healing. She offers these practices to help people rediscover their mind-body connections and reclaim a sense of spaciousness. She studied with the School of Sacred Arts, Paul Grilley and Franklyn Sills and continually evolves her practice incorporating chi kung, somatic movement, Feldenkrais and Craniosacral therapy. She teaches 
Yin Yoga trainings globally. Jade teaches embodiment practices to improve awareness and vitality and to broaden the spectrum of traditional Yoga asana. She has a quirky and kind inquiry-based approach to teaching that is focused on liberation through awareness. Her style is influenced greatly by her passion for all things movement, Traditional Chinese Medicine, her in-depth study of anatomy and healing through touch and resonance. She fluidly incorporates classical and modern theories into her classes with an approach that is accessible to all. Jade’s teaching is poetic and gentle with a resonance rooted in reclaiming our innate wisdom.

For more information Please call us on: 04385 6633 - 056 771136 or visit our website:.

Early Bird: 140 Dirhams
Regular Price: 180 Dirhams

Book Now!

Integrated Yin Yoga - Stillness, Mudra and Yoga Nidra
Energy Workshop
Energy Workshop
When: November 24, 2017
Day: Friday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Juliet Arndt
Timing: 10:00am - 01:00pm
Fees: 400 AED
Early Bird: 350 AED

About Juliet Arndt: 

Juliet holds a Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy and a Hypnotherapy degree from Germany and a International Business Management degree from University of Maryland. After her business degree her international career in the field of media took her to various countries in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, USA and Europe. Hundreds of interviews with politicians and CEOs inspired her to deeper study the human mind and crystallize the criteria that are essential for success. She is currently writing a book about it. 

Hypnosis has always been a vital part of her life as her grandmother and father are both hypnotists. They honed Juliet’s hypnotic skills and the power of her intuition. She is specialized in cognitive coaching and hypnotherapy. 

Her workshops, corporate retreats and hypnotherapy sessions are customized to your specific needs whether you are looking to address stress, burnout, anxiety, weight loss, relationship issues, phobia or quit smoking, Juliet’s mission is to help you achieve results and overcome your challenges in the most effective way. She has the ability to touch you at your core. With Juliet, you will experience hypnosis at the highest level of professionalism. Her authentic personality, her passion, and her skill-set will inspire you to achieve your goals with passion and ease.

Juliet has also performed on "Germany got Talent" and has her own motivational show. She had experience on various international stages in USA, Germany, Kuwait, India, Lebanon. She now lives in Dubai and performs for corporate and social events all over the Middle East. Her one-woman psychological entertainment shows are suitable for full stage shows, corporate events, trade shows, product launches, weddings, social events and closed private events. Her motivational talks combine story-telling and psychological experiments. This combination will leave you and your guests vowed. She gifts every listener in her audience with unique ideas, motivating impulses, infinite inspiration and useful mental techniques. Juliet is aware of different cultural nuances world-wide, as she carefully tailors her shows with her clients for special occasions. In Juliet’s show you will experience the seemingly impossible; Juliet does not claim to have any supernatural powers. However, she does have hypnotic skills. In her show she will use her mind and your mind to blow everyone’s mind away! Be ready to discover your talents and your true passion in life.

Her shows are educational, motivational and inspirational. Juliet’s extraordinary ability is her power to create magical moments with the audience while leaving a positive footprint in their lives long after the curtains fall. For more information:


  • Self-hypnosis
  • Body Language Reading
  • Vision Creation / Visualization
  • Letting go Techniques
  • Affirmations

  • Intuition
  • Talents
  • Charisma
  • Authenticity
  • Irresistibility

Let go of:
  • Fears
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Negative Energy
  • Anxiety
  • Negative thoughts

Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Date: 21 October | Saturday
Fees: 1500 AED

For Ladies Only!

About Juliet Arndt: 

Juliet holds a Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy and a Hypnotherapy degree from Germany and a International Business Management degree from University of Maryland. After her business degree her international career in the field of media took her to various countries in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, USA and Europe. Hundreds of interviews with politicians and CEOs inspired her to deeper study the human mind and crystallize the criteria that are essential for success. She is currently writing a book about it. 

Hypnosis has always been a vital part of her life as her grandmother and father are both hypnotists. They honed Juliet’s hypnotic skills and the power of her intuition. She is specialized in cognitive coaching and hypnotherapy. 

Her workshops, corporate retreats and hypnotherapy sessions are customized to your specific needs whether you are looking to address stress, burnout, anxiety, weight loss, relationship issues, phobia or quit smoking, Juliet’s mission is to help you achieve results and overcome your challenges in the most effective way. She has the ability to touch you at your core. With Juliet, you will experience hypnosis at the highest level of professionalism. Her authentic personality, her passion, and her skill-set will inspire you to achieve your goals with passion and ease.

Juliet has also performed on "Germany got Talent" and has her own motivational show. She had experience on various international stages in USA, Germany, Kuwait, India, Lebanon. She now lives in Dubai and performs for corporate and social events all over the Middle East. Her one-woman psychological entertainment shows are suitable for full stage shows, corporate events, trade shows, product launches, weddings, social events and closed private events. Her motivational talks combine story-telling and psychological experiments. This combination will leave you and your guests vowed. She gifts every listener in her audience with unique ideas, motivating impulses, infinite inspiration and useful mental techniques. Juliet is aware of different cultural nuances world-wide, as she carefully tailors her shows with her clients for special occasions. In Juliet’s show you will experience the seemingly impossible; Juliet does not claim to have any supernatural powers. However, she does have hypnotic skills. In her show she will use her mind and your mind to blow everyone’s mind away! Be ready to discover your talents and your true passion in life.

Her shows are educational, motivational and inspirational. Juliet’s extraordinary ability is her power to create magical moments with the audience while leaving a positive footprint in their lives long after the curtains fall. For more information:


  • Self-hypnosis
  • Body Language Reading
  • Vision Creation / Visualization
  • Letting go Techniques
  • Affirmations

  • Intuition
  • Talents
  • Charisma
  • Authenticity
  • Irresistibility

Let go of:
  • Fears
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Negative Energy
  • Anxiety
  • Negative thoughts

Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Date: 21 October | Saturday
Fees: 1500 AED

For Ladies Only!

The Nature of Breath and Stillness ~ Somatic Yin Yoga ~ Movement
When: November 27, 2017
Day: Monday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Jade Wood
Timing: 06:00pm - 08:30pm
Regular Fee: 180 AED
Early Bird: 140 AED

Using the framework of Yin Yoga woven with the principles of Somatic Movement, Feldenkrais and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy you will have the opportunity to experience deeper states of connection in your stillness through slow mindful movement and breathwork. During our time together we will play with using our breath to activate pockets of awareness, sensation and history in the body and bring more spaciousness and subtle movement into the seemingly still and condensed practice of Yin. Jade will lead focused exercises in exploring tension, relaxation and targeted breathing, giving time to workshop these specific techniques before going into a full guided practice where you can apply what you have learned.

Teacher's Biography:

Jade specialises in teaching Yin Yoga and body-honouring movement and offers touch-sensitive healing. She offers these practices to help people rediscover their mind-body connections and reclaim a sense of spaciousness. She studied with the School of Sacred Arts, Paul Grilley and Franklyn Sills and continually evolves her practice incorporating chi kung, somatic movement, Feldenkrais and Craniosacral therapy. She teaches Yin Yoga trainings
globally. Jade teaches embodiment practices to improve awareness and vitality and to broaden the spectrum of traditional Yoga asana. She has a quirky and kind inquiry-based approach to teaching that is focused on liberation through awareness. Her style is influenced greatly by her passion for all things movement, Traditional Chinese Medicine, her in-depth study of anatomy and healing through touch and resonance. She fluidly incorporates classical and modern theories into her classes with an approach that is accessible to all. Jade’s teaching is poetic and gentle with a resonance rooted in reclaiming our innate wisdom.

For more information Please call us on: 04385 6633 - 056 771136 or visit our website:.

Early Bird: 140 Dirhams
Regular Price: 180 Dirhams

Book Now

Using the framework of Yin Yoga woven with the principles of Somatic Movement, Feldenkrais and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy you will have the opportunity to experience deeper states of connection in your stillness through slow mindful movement and breathwork. During our time together we will play with using our breath to activate pockets of awareness, sensation and history in the body and bring more spaciousness and subtle movement into the seemingly still and condensed practice of Yin. Jade will lead focused exercises in exploring tension, relaxation and targeted breathing, giving time to workshop these specific techniques before going into a full guided practice where you can apply what you have learned.

Teacher's Biography:

Jade specialises in teaching Yin Yoga and body-honouring movement and offers touch-sensitive healing. She offers these practices to help people rediscover their mind-body connections and reclaim a sense of spaciousness. She studied with the School of Sacred Arts, Paul Grilley and Franklyn Sills and continually evolves her practice incorporating chi kung, somatic movement, Feldenkrais and Craniosacral therapy. She teaches Yin Yoga trainings
globally. Jade teaches embodiment practices to improve awareness and vitality and to broaden the spectrum of traditional Yoga asana. She has a quirky and kind inquiry-based approach to teaching that is focused on liberation through awareness. Her style is influenced greatly by her passion for all things movement, Traditional Chinese Medicine, her in-depth study of anatomy and healing through touch and resonance. She fluidly incorporates classical and modern theories into her classes with an approach that is accessible to all. Jade’s teaching is poetic and gentle with a resonance rooted in reclaiming our innate wisdom.

For more information Please call us on: 04385 6633 - 056 771136 or visit our website:.

Early Bird: 140 Dirhams
Regular Price: 180 Dirhams

Book Now

The Nature of Breath and Stillness ~ Somatic Yin Yoga ~ Movement