Virtual Tour


Workshop is the opportunity to take a look at issues that affects us in many ways.  This is the perfect time to address our concerns and to acquire more knowledge about yoga and others. They are arranged differently than the classes, since workshop is the time to ask questions and a chance to take your practice into the next level. 

Interest to join any of our active workshops? Give us a call now!



Power of love with Gongs
Power of love with Gongs
When: October 21, 2017
Day: Saturday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Anuradha Kamath
Timing: 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Fees: 100 AED

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”

This beautiful poetry by Kahlil Gibran talks about free spirited love.  Get into this enchanting journey of Love, Love and more Love.

Enjoy 60 minutes with Anuradha and experience a deep trance of inner quiet and bliss as the waves of sound though a medley of sound healing instruments deepen your experience by immersing you in them. The intense breath work quietens the inner chaos. Rhythmic chants invoke positivity. The gentle postures of Gong Yoga & Hand Mudras align your mind & body. Aroma Therapy is interwoven through guided meditation to give you a true escapade from the grip of 5 senses.

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”

This beautiful poetry by Kahlil Gibran talks about free spirited love.  Get into this enchanting journey of Love, Love and more Love.

Enjoy 60 minutes with Anuradha and experience a deep trance of inner quiet and bliss as the waves of sound though a medley of sound healing instruments deepen your experience by immersing you in them. The intense breath work quietens the inner chaos. Rhythmic chants invoke positivity. The gentle postures of Gong Yoga & Hand Mudras align your mind & body. Aroma Therapy is interwoven through guided meditation to give you a true escapade from the grip of 5 senses.

فن التعامل مع الاشخاص السلبيين "مصاصي الطاقة
When: October 22, 2017
Day: Sunday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Magda Masoud
Timing: 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Regular Fee: 150 AED

هل تشعرين بأنك محاطة ببعض الأشخاص السلبيين سواء في المنزل  أو المتجمع أو في العمل؟

هل تتعرضين لمشاعر الحزن و الغضب والإحباط  نتيجة تعاملك مع هؤلاء الاشخاص؟

هل تشعرين بأن هؤلاء الأشخاص يمتصون طاقتك طوال الوقت ؟  

هل انخفض مستوى حماسك وأدائك مؤخرا؟

اذا كانت الاجابة بنعم, فاعلمي انه قد حان الوقت لحماية نفسك والمحافظة على طاقتك ومشاعرك مرتفعة وإيجابية

من أجل صحتك الجسدية والنفسية.

لذلك ندعوك للانضمام معنا في ورشة عمل


فن التعامل مع الاشخاص السلبيين "مصاصي الطاقة"

تقديم: ماجدة عبد العزيز مسعود

أخصائية الطاقة والتأمل


تعرفي على:

سمات وأنماط الاشخاص المحبطين والسلبيين.

تأثيرهم على طاقة وأداء الاخرين.

كيف نحصن أنفسنا تجاه الطاقة السلبية ومثل هؤلاء الاشخاص السلبيين؟

كيف تتفاعلين مع الشخص السلبي  وتحوليه الى شخص ايجابي.

كيفية تنظيف وحماية  الجسم الطاقي والشاكرات من الطاقات السلبية.

جلسة التأمل 

اليوم والتاريخ:  الأحد 22 أكتوبر الجاري

التوقيت: من الساعة 7.00 حتى 9.00 مساء

الرسوم: 150 درهم

المكان: مركز ايكو يوجا . دبي

هل تشعرين بأنك محاطة ببعض الأشخاص السلبيين سواء في المنزل  أو المتجمع أو في العمل؟

هل تتعرضين لمشاعر الحزن و الغضب والإحباط  نتيجة تعاملك مع هؤلاء الاشخاص؟

هل تشعرين بأن هؤلاء الأشخاص يمتصون طاقتك طوال الوقت ؟  

هل انخفض مستوى حماسك وأدائك مؤخرا؟

اذا كانت الاجابة بنعم, فاعلمي انه قد حان الوقت لحماية نفسك والمحافظة على طاقتك ومشاعرك مرتفعة وإيجابية

من أجل صحتك الجسدية والنفسية.

لذلك ندعوك للانضمام معنا في ورشة عمل


فن التعامل مع الاشخاص السلبيين "مصاصي الطاقة"

تقديم: ماجدة عبد العزيز مسعود

أخصائية الطاقة والتأمل


تعرفي على:

سمات وأنماط الاشخاص المحبطين والسلبيين.

تأثيرهم على طاقة وأداء الاخرين.

كيف نحصن أنفسنا تجاه الطاقة السلبية ومثل هؤلاء الاشخاص السلبيين؟

كيف تتفاعلين مع الشخص السلبي  وتحوليه الى شخص ايجابي.

كيفية تنظيف وحماية  الجسم الطاقي والشاكرات من الطاقات السلبية.

جلسة التأمل 

اليوم والتاريخ:  الأحد 22 أكتوبر الجاري

التوقيت: من الساعة 7.00 حتى 9.00 مساء

الرسوم: 150 درهم

المكان: مركز ايكو يوجا . دبي

فن التعامل مع الاشخاص السلبيين
30 Day Yoga Challenge
30 Day Yoga Challenge
When: October 25, 2017
Day: Wednesday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Alpa Lokhande
Timing: 07:00pm - 08:15pm
Fees: 1200 AED
Early Bird: 1000 AED


Just in time for your get-healthy, be-stronger, love-your-body resolutions for the coming New Year.

We proudly announce our 30 DAY YOGA CHALLENGE.

Gain amazing strength and remarkable flexibility with yoga! Team up with ex-banker yoga teacher Alpa lokhande to practice yoga and meditation. She will also guide you to use these age old tools to make your life better. This challenge welcomes and is designed for ALL LEVELS (beginners, intermediate and advanced)

The structure of the program:

- Each days practice will be a unique dynamic sequence focusing on strength, stability, mobility and flexibility.

- In every day’s 75 Minutes class we thrive to learn and practice the dynamic sequence and eventually progressing into the new peak pose. The sequence of the class revolves around the peak pose including   the sun salutations, poses for strength and flexibility and drills using props.

 - The peak poses learned the earlier day keeps on adding into the next day’s practice sequence hence making it more adventurous and exciting.

- We commit to explore our own potential, go beyond our comfort zone and be receptive to learn, adapt, modify to these exciting new 30 poses throughout the challenge. 

- This mega yoga challenge will be combined with recommended healthy and clean diet plan that will help you make small changes throughout the month leading to long term benefits.


 The perspective of the 30 Day challenge 


- This is not an ordinary yoga program. It's a major transformation  in your life and  you are about to embark an amazing adventurous journey in your life 

- What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.”- Buddha

- It takes 21-30 days to rewire your neural connection in your brain to create a new habit. This program constantly encourages the mind, body and soul to be more present, open-minded and to learn more.

- It can help change the way the brain “thinks” by, over time, creating and strengthening new neurons and neural pathways to help get out of old baggage/habits and stuck old ways of thinking.

- The challenge aims to learn on the mat - deep calm breathing, softening muscles, clearing the mind and enjoying the present moment and bringing it into our daily lives off the mat.

- Whatever you may be dealing with can be healed, transformed and you can break through to the next level. You learn to be you own magician to create miracles, or be your own healer to create happiness in your life.


Pre requisite  for the Challenge


- Dedication to show up every day on the mat.

- Disciplined actions be on time every single day & prioritizing ones healthy habits.

- Being committed to not give on one self. 

- Persistence   to be complete the challenge.

- Belief and trust that anything and everything is possible.

- Attitude...a positive one.


Days & TIming:

Saturday - Friday starts at 7:15 pm


Regular Price: 1200 Dirhams
Early Bird Price: 1000 Dirhams


Terms & Conditions:

Non-refundable and Non-transferable.

Limited space available.

Book now! 

For more information: Call us on: 04 385 6633 / 056 7711336


Just in time for your get-healthy, be-stronger, love-your-body resolutions for the coming New Year.

We proudly announce our 30 DAY YOGA CHALLENGE.

Gain amazing strength and remarkable flexibility with yoga! Team up with ex-banker yoga teacher Alpa lokhande to practice yoga and meditation. She will also guide you to use these age old tools to make your life better. This challenge welcomes and is designed for ALL LEVELS (beginners, intermediate and advanced)

The structure of the program:

- Each days practice will be a unique dynamic sequence focusing on strength, stability, mobility and flexibility.

- In every day’s 75 Minutes class we thrive to learn and practice the dynamic sequence and eventually progressing into the new peak pose. The sequence of the class revolves around the peak pose including   the sun salutations, poses for strength and flexibility and drills using props.

 - The peak poses learned the earlier day keeps on adding into the next day’s practice sequence hence making it more adventurous and exciting.

- We commit to explore our own potential, go beyond our comfort zone and be receptive to learn, adapt, modify to these exciting new 30 poses throughout the challenge. 

- This mega yoga challenge will be combined with recommended healthy and clean diet plan that will help you make small changes throughout the month leading to long term benefits.


 The perspective of the 30 Day challenge 


- This is not an ordinary yoga program. It's a major transformation  in your life and  you are about to embark an amazing adventurous journey in your life 

- What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.”- Buddha

- It takes 21-30 days to rewire your neural connection in your brain to create a new habit. This program constantly encourages the mind, body and soul to be more present, open-minded and to learn more.

- It can help change the way the brain “thinks” by, over time, creating and strengthening new neurons and neural pathways to help get out of old baggage/habits and stuck old ways of thinking.

- The challenge aims to learn on the mat - deep calm breathing, softening muscles, clearing the mind and enjoying the present moment and bringing it into our daily lives off the mat.

- Whatever you may be dealing with can be healed, transformed and you can break through to the next level. You learn to be you own magician to create miracles, or be your own healer to create happiness in your life.


Pre requisite  for the Challenge


- Dedication to show up every day on the mat.

- Disciplined actions be on time every single day & prioritizing ones healthy habits.

- Being committed to not give on one self. 

- Persistence   to be complete the challenge.

- Belief and trust that anything and everything is possible.

- Attitude...a positive one.


Days & TIming:

Saturday - Friday starts at 7:15 pm


Regular Price: 1200 Dirhams
Early Bird Price: 1000 Dirhams


Terms & Conditions:

Non-refundable and Non-transferable.

Limited space available.

Book now! 

For more information: Call us on: 04 385 6633 / 056 7711336

Manifest your Future with your Vision board - Workshop
When: October 28, 2017
Day: Saturday
Venue: Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Instructor: Sarah Abdelal
Timing: 10:00am - 01:00pm
Regular Fee: 350 AED

Creating your Future? Manifesting your visions, goals, and dreams? YES, it
is POSSIBLE! And it's the Perfect Time !!!!

We all have the power of creating your own personalized Life Script and
future! A Life Script is a detailed vision of your future, like a
blueprint. You wouldn't build a house without a plan, so why would you
build your life without one?

Used effectively, a Life Script not only helps you change
your thoughts towards your future, but it will also guide you to intensify
your feelings and change your limiting beliefs about what it is you truly

The process of writing a Life Script alone will bring opportunities to you
because you are essentially changing your focus towards what you desire
and away from what is wrong with your life. In fact, one of the greatest
benefits of a Life Script takes place during its creation. So many of us
are challenged with simply describing what it is that we want.

A vision board consists of a collection of images, illustrations, and
words that visually represent the life you would like to lead.

Creating your personal collage will help you imagine the life you want to
lead. When you can imagine your new life you will think about it. The Law
of Attraction says that you draw into your life the things you think about

This painting is a powerful tool that will affect your self-conscious,
guiding you along the path towards the future you hope for. Come and be
guided how to manifest, create and program with your Future! This workshop
is also fun and touches your creativity! Come and create your own vision
board in all its beautiful abundant details!

What will you do during this workshop?

• Learn how your mind actually works and how beliefs are created ( Theory of the mind)
• Understand how the Law of attraction works as a reflection of your core beliefs
• Explore and learn about the true meanings of colors and how each coloaffects us emotionally
• Become aware how certain colors can help us manifest certain areas inour lives by healing a core limiting belief
• Be guided how to create your own life script / Future
• Manifest your dreams guided meditation
• Paint our own vision board like a real artist in a real art studio withfull guidance by the facilitator


Where: Eco Yoga Sanctuary- Jumeirah
When: 28th October 2017
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Instructor: Sarah Abdelal
Price: AED 350 ( All painting materials included)

For more information and reservation call us on: 04 385 6633 / 056 77 11336 -

Creating your Future? Manifesting your visions, goals, and dreams? YES, it
is POSSIBLE! And it's the Perfect Time !!!!

We all have the power of creating your own personalized Life Script and
future! A Life Script is a detailed vision of your future, like a
blueprint. You wouldn't build a house without a plan, so why would you
build your life without one?

Used effectively, a Life Script not only helps you change
your thoughts towards your future, but it will also guide you to intensify
your feelings and change your limiting beliefs about what it is you truly

The process of writing a Life Script alone will bring opportunities to you
because you are essentially changing your focus towards what you desire
and away from what is wrong with your life. In fact, one of the greatest
benefits of a Life Script takes place during its creation. So many of us
are challenged with simply describing what it is that we want.

A vision board consists of a collection of images, illustrations, and
words that visually represent the life you would like to lead.

Creating your personal collage will help you imagine the life you want to
lead. When you can imagine your new life you will think about it. The Law
of Attraction says that you draw into your life the things you think about

This painting is a powerful tool that will affect your self-conscious,
guiding you along the path towards the future you hope for. Come and be
guided how to manifest, create and program with your Future! This workshop
is also fun and touches your creativity! Come and create your own vision
board in all its beautiful abundant details!

What will you do during this workshop?

• Learn how your mind actually works and how beliefs are created ( Theory of the mind)
• Understand how the Law of attraction works as a reflection of your core beliefs
• Explore and learn about the true meanings of colors and how each coloaffects us emotionally
• Become aware how certain colors can help us manifest certain areas inour lives by healing a core limiting belief
• Be guided how to create your own life script / Future
• Manifest your dreams guided meditation
• Paint our own vision board like a real artist in a real art studio withfull guidance by the facilitator


Where: Eco Yoga Sanctuary- Jumeirah
When: 28th October 2017
Time: 10 am - 1 pm
Instructor: Sarah Abdelal
Price: AED 350 ( All painting materials included)

For more information and reservation call us on: 04 385 6633 / 056 77 11336 -

Manifest your Future with your Vision board - Workshop